Free Story of the Week #3

Anotherealm often runs flash contests. I rarely participate but sometimes, the contest theme is so intriguing that I cannot resist. One such competition was run back in 2001. Jean Goldstrom, then editor of Anotherealm, came up with a starting sentence:

It started out like any typical day in suburbia. Percolators perked, toasters toasted, garage doors opened to disgorge cars heading toward the freeway. Everything was beautifully ordinary, until the shadow passed over it changing everything in its wake.

The writers would continue from this point and go every which way they wanted to go. Somehow, the sentence managed to get my creative juices flowing and I dashed off a flash (about 250 words) in the next 15 minutes and sent it to Anotherealm.

And here it is: Until The Shadow....


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